Ever since the WHO (World Health Organization) classified the H1N1 virus as a pandemic in June of 2009, fear compounded by misinformation have ensued. Even the name, "swine flu," is a misnomer, as the H1N1 virus, although similar, is not the same virus responsible for the swine flu in North America. Cats will commonly vomit from time to time, often because they might have eaten something that upset their stomachs, or simply because they have sensitive digestive systems. However, the condition becomes acute when the vomiting does not stop and when there is nothing left in the cat's stomach to throw up except bile. It is important you take your pet to a veterinarian in these cases. While vomit… In a deepening recession, with no foreseeable end, more and more veterinarians have to euthanize cats and dogs because their owners do not have the money to pay the high veterinary costs incurred with emergencies or seriously escalating chronic disease. If this has happened to you, share your story and how you reached the final decision on putting your cat to sleep My two cats, Jaspurr and Billy, have a weight problem. I'm instituting a weight control plan for both of them, as detailed in the attached article. If you are worried about your own obese cat's health, you are encouraged to either follow my plan or another your veterinarian recommends. Please see your own vet first for an assessment of your cat. Then post your plan and your cat's progress in the … In a deepening recession, with no foreseeable end, more and more veterinarians have to euthanize cats and dogs because their owners do not have the money to pay the high veterinary costs incurred with emergencies or seriously escalating chronic disease. It is no secret that excess weight is dangerous for cats. It can lead to feline diabetes, hypertension and other heart problems, and arthritis. At seven, Jaspurr is middle-aged: approximately 44 years old in human age. At a weight of over 20 pounds, he is at risk for all of these conditions. I am putting my cat on a safe weight control program of gradual weight loss. Follow his progress through t… Weight gain in cats can creep up unnoticed. However, it has been apparent for some time now that both of these cats are seriously overweight. My goal for 2009 is to help them gradually reach a healthy weight. Excess weight is dangerous for cats. It can lead to feline diabetes, hypertension and other heart problems, and arthritis. Follow our weight loss plan, and consider it for your own fat cats. Many specific questions about the health of cats can only be answered by a veterinarian after a thorough examination of the cat. However I can sometimes respond to more general questions. Read my replies to some of the frequently asked questions I receive about cats. A reader asks if it is safe for cat owners to vaccinate their own cats. Read my reply to this health FAQ Follow the advice in this tip for helping to get your cat to willingly swallow nasty tasting pills. I often get e-mails from folks describing various symptoms their cats are displaying and asking if I have any idea of the causes. Although I may often have ideas or opinions, my answer is always the same: "Even if I were a veterinarian, I would not attempt to diagnose your pet without a thorough personal examination. Your kitty needs to be seen by a veterinarian, without delay." How extensive is your knowledge about cats' health matters? Do you know common symptoms of health problems in cats and what they might mean? Take this javascript-based cats health quiz to test your knowledge and learn more about your cat's health. I read about that rippling skin disorder, and I think my cat has it. He does a lot of crazy running around with the skin on his back rippling. Also he wanders around at night, meowing loudly. What is it, and how can I help him? Learn more about rippling skin disorder, its symptoms, possible causes, and treatment, through this FAQ. Bud, an FIV+ cat, has been kept alive with a combination of drugs used to treat HIV and OTC supplements. The result has been total measurable viral suppression, to the extent that in his latest test, the viral load was so low that FIV was not detected. Read his remarkable story by Joel Kehler, Bud's human caregiver. Do you have a cat patient who is not patient with pilling? One who must take multiple small pills or halved/quartered pills? Those divided pills have sharp edges, and it's no wonder cats are reluctant to swallow them. Here's a possible solution to avoid both the distress of pilling for your cat, and also the waste of pills spat out repeatedly. Finding a new veterinarian for cats is always a challenge, whether moving into a new area or dissatisfied with the former vet. Although referalls from other happy clients are a big plus, it is always advisable to be prepared with a list of questions to ask any prospective veterinarian for your cat. Any home library of books on cat care must include one or two veterinary reference books to be complete. Knowing the normal conditions of a healthy cat, how to spot symptoms of illness, and what to do about them are integral to the responsible care of cats. These veterinary reference books will provide needed help and support for the concerned cat owner. Pet health insurance, like other forms of insurance, is a gamble. You're betting your cat will need it, and the company is setting odds that it won't, in terms of limits and lots of fine print. There are a number of factors to consider before you buy pet insurance for your cat. You may, in fact, decide against it. In recent years, compelling evidence has accumulated that essential oils can be toxic to cats, whether taken internally, applied to the skin, or simply inhaled. Learn more about essential oils and aromatherapy, and where and how they can be used safely. Do you have a cat patient who is not patient with pilling? One who must take multiple small pills or halved/quartered pills? Those divided pills have sharp edges, and it's no wonder cats are reluctant to swallow them. Sooner or later, almost everyone who shares a home with a cat discovers "natural health" or hears about holistic veterinary procedures such as accupuncture, massage therapy or homeopathic remedies. Sooner or later, almost everyone who shares a home with a cat discovers "natural health" or hears about holistic veterinary procedures such as accupuncture, massage therapy or homeopathic remedies. These books will clear the path for raising your own cat the natural way. Although hairballs may be the topics of jokes among thoughtless humans, they are a source of discomfort or worse, for cats. Learn how to recognize hairball problems and how to help your cat get rid of them In addition to the 100 domestic cats which, as of the turn of the century, have died from feline spongiform encephalopathy in the UK, are sixteen big cats, which, in the latter case, most likely succumbed as the result of eating contaminated raw meat. Could our cats be at risk? Read more to find out.
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